The SplinterAid Splinter Remover™ - A Must Have For Any Parent

If you’re a parent, you’ve definitely had some level of disaster surrounding splinters. Now, we’re not talking life-threatening, end-of-the-world disasters — we’re talking about an average-sized splinter that caused your child to think that it’s the end of the world.
And honestly, haven’t we all been there at some point? Getting a splinter, especially when you are a child can be scary! It hurts to take them out, you have to dig around with a needle or tweezers, and sanitize the tool you’re using by heating it up with a lighter.
Or at least that used to be what you had to do.. SplinterAid has changed the game, making splinter extraction painless, fast, and simple. We’ve created a system that is completely sterile, effective at removing splinters each and every time.

How did we do it? We spent years working to develop a splinter extraction tool that could remove a splinter in one easy motion, without the need for unreliable or potentially harmful sterilization techniques. We came up with our design, tested it until we obtained our desired results, and then made the decision to make our Splinter Remover™ a single-use, entirely sanitized and sterile product.
This way, simply unwrap the Splinter Remover™, remove the splinter, and discard of the Splinter Remover™ tool. Not only does this make the splinter extraction process straight-forward and fast, but when it comes to removing splinters that your children are suffering from, it also makes the experience an exciting, special experience.
Instead of pulling out the dreaded tweezers, you can unwrap a Splinter Remover™, tell them “Be still! It’s time for extraction,” and make the entire process enjoyable for everyone.

Now, let’s run through the five simple steps needed to successfully use the Splinter Aid, from start to finish.
- First things first, wash up! Be sure to wash your hands and the area where you’ll be using the Splinter Remover™.
- Next, use the Splinter Remover™ and pierce the skin on one side of the splinter you’re removing.
- Once the Splinter Remover™ is in position, gently push the splinter entirely out of the affected area.
- Re-wash the area where you just removed the splinter, and cover it with your child’s (or your) favorite, fun bandage!
- Throw away the Splinter Remover™ tool and enjoy the rest of your day.
A New Way To Remove Splinters
It may seem too good to be true, but it’s not! The Splinter Remover™, when inserted, secures the splinter, and gently pushes it out without going deep enough in the skin to cause pain. We’re so excited and proud to have a great product that will surely be helpful.
And while we’ve talked about how great this product is for children, it’s great for adults too! No matter the splinter, no matter the person, you’ll be able to get a splinter out easily and move along with your day.
Be sure to stock your medicine cabinet with this incredible, innovative product and contact us today if you have any questions about our company or product!