Getting Rid of Deep Splinters At Home: The Ultimate Guide

At times, you take every precautionary measure to ensure you and your kids are safe in the outdoors. And though everything might go smoothly while enjoying time out with your children, minor injuries like bruises, scrapes, and some nasty splinters can occur. 

wood splinter

There are different degrees of splinters depending on the depth. Dealing with one lodged near the skin surface is usually straightforward. Unfortunately, deeper ones can be more painful to remove and require some special technique or device.  

So, what to do in such cases of deep splinters? How do you painlessly get them out from beneath your child’s skin? Do you need to visit your doctor instead of removing it yourself? What are some of the devices or items you may need? 

Read on if you are ready to learn the answers to your splinter removal questions and forever overcome the difficulty of removing slivers for good.  

Deep Splinter Removal 

Deep splinters are unique injuries. They may not cause immediate medical complications. However, the discomfort and pain they can bring to people of every age mean you should always be prepared to address them, whether indoors or outdoors. At times, you notice a deep splinter the moment it pierces the skin, like a paper cut. On other occasions, it could take days for you to realize the precise location through the dull ache in the toe or finger of your child.  

The body regards slivers as foreign objects, and as such, it initiates a defense mechanism in an attempt to remove them. However, this will take time, and time is a luxury you can’t afford when dealing with deep splinters. Waste time with splinters, and the situation could get more complicated by an infection, resulting in the need for urgent care.  

To prevent the worst-case scenario, you need to learn how to get a splinter out, preferably with the right splinter removal tool. Before we start, you need to know that there is more than one approach, and this post covers a few.  

Preparatory Steps to Take 

lotion for splinter

First, check how deep the splinter is lodged beneath the skin. This will help you select the right tool for the job. The most vital step when using any device is to sterilize everything. This means you need to wash your hands, the kid’s hands, needles, splinter removal tool, tweezers, or any other item required to complete the procedure, especially if it will go under the skin.  

Typically, this means you will need rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball to help prevent infection. But generally speaking, the items at your disposal at the time of the injury will vary depending on your location. For those who love the outdoors, owning and always carrying a splinter removal kit is recommended.  

This kit could contain the following items: 

  • Hydrogen peroxide 
  • Splinter remover 
  • Duct tape 
  • Baking soda 
  • Epsom Salt 
  • Rubbing alcohol 
  • Cotton ball 

If it’s your first time extracting a deep splinter, you’re likely to find one of the methods below helpful, so continue reading.  

Pro Splinter Removal 

splinter kit

The pro splinter removal method involves using the splinter remover, having a tri-bevel design and made specifically to deal with splinters of all depths. It’s capable of effectively pulling out slivers lodged deep within the skin. Just follow the direction below. 

  • Start with washing your hands and the area affected by the splinter, then gently dry. 
  • Using your splinter remover tool, gently pierce one side of the splinter to expose it.  
  • With the splinter remover, carefully and slowly push out the sliver until it’s entirely out.  
  • Repeat the cleaning process and cover the area.  
  • Get rid of your splinter remover tool.  

It’s a straightforward process that brings relief in a matter of minutes. However, you shouldn’t use any splinter remover more than once.  

Home Remedies to Use 

Get a needle, a pair of tweezers, a cotton swab, and any antiseptic you can. Rubbing alcohol or betadine will do. Once you gather these items, follow these steps: 

  • To start, soak the affected area in soapy, warm water. This might even make the splinter swell after absorbing the water, rendering it easier to grab. 
  • Next, wash your hands, or sanitize with alcohol to avoid spreading bacteria to open cuts. 
  • Use the needle to lift the skin above the splinter and tweezer to grab the splinter.  
  • Now, gently pull it from the skin in the same direction it pierced the skin.  
  • Wash again and use a cotton swab to dab antiseptic on the affected area. 

This method can work for splinters of different depths but might not be suitable for deeper slivers. You may need to resort to the previous method for deeply embedded slivers.

Complex Splinters 

complex splinter

You may sometimes find yourself dealing with more complex splinters, which may occur for several reasons. Usually, these types of splinters result from the piece of wood getting too deep or your failure to perform a clean extraction. Some symptoms you need to check when looking for complex splinters include: 

  • Aches 
  • Redness 
  • Aggravation 
  • Swelling 

If you end up pushing the splinter further inside beyond the point where you can see it, things can get pretty scary. The same applies when you remove a piece and leave a tiny fragment in the skin. Further probing may only make it more sensitive. If this happens, you may need to contact your doctor. This is why a dedicated splinter remover tool always comes in handy. They help prevent further complications when removing deep splinters.  

What Next? 

Now that you have learned every detail about deep splinters and how to remove them, the next logical step is to have a go at getting them out yourself. Practice makes perfect, and though you won’t go about wishing for a splinter, you can surely be ready when the opportunity presents itself next time. If you come across one you can’t get rid of or suppose you detect signs of an infection, don’t try. Quickly get in touch with your local doctor for medical assistance. But don’t forget that as you attempt to dislodge deep splinters, one single device can make all the difference. 


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